How to place an order?
How do I know if my order was placed successfully?
How do I check the status of my order?
How do I track my order?
India Shipping
Shipping is free will be calculated areas-wise. For orders outside, Darjeeling we add a flat shipping cost of ₹ 150 to your cart amount.
We ship our products mostly via Speed Post (India Post) which uses air mode to the nearest airport and then surface thereon. Using Speed Post service ensures we cover most of India, especially smaller towns and villages which courier services ignore for lack of volumes.
We also use other reliable national courier services (both air and surface modes), depending on the product shipped.
The shipping time depends on which part of the country you are located in. As a general rule of thumb, shipping timelines from the dispatch date are –
Metros and Major cities: 1-3 days
Smaller towns and cities: 4-5 days
North-East India and other villages: 6-10 days
International Shipping
We undertake international orders at actual shipping costs. We can ship to your address anywhere in the world. You will be charged the actual shipping cost.
We will ship your order using a service requested/agreed on by you. You will be charged on actual shipping costs – the shipping receipt will be shared with you.
Your bill value, hence, will be the cart value PLUS the shipping cost. You can pay using PayPal.
We cannot assign a fixed shipping cost to your destination at the moment, as we need to ascertain the weightage of the final package, and this would vary with product selection. We would like to keep things very transparent between us and share the final shipping receipt with you.
However, we are working on a better method wherein we can provide you an automated shipping tariff and check-out. Thank you in advance for your patience as we turn this out.
For the moment, once you select your products, please send us an e-mail, so we can take up your order immediately. We are also available on +91 8967305470 if you’d like to discuss this on chat (Whatsapp). You can also direct message us on Facebook (@HillMarket). Do note that these are approximate shipping timelines. While we do try our best to beat these delivery times, we cannot always guarantee to meet them.
However, in case of a delay we do try and get in touch with you our valued customer – and explain the reason for the delay and the approximate delivery date. If for any reason your package is delayed, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
As a rule, we ship products within 24 hours of order received.